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G.P. Li , D. Li , Y. Y. Liu , Q.J. Wang , S.X. Guan , and Q.C. Li (Institute of Metal Research , The Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)(School of Materials Science and Engineering , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China)


The Ti-35V-15Cr-0.05C (wt% is a new nonburning titanium alloy. The test for alloy combustibility was carried out by using CO2 laser. A 430 watt and 6mm diameter laser spot impinges directly on the sample within normal atmospheric pressure and temperature. The results show that the ignition time of the nonburning titanium alloy is the longest in the eight examined titanium alloys, and is 3.5 times that of TC4 alloy. The ignition tempeerature of the nonburning alloy is 2991° C, and is higher than that of TC4 alloy by 1976°C. On the condition of high tempeerature and rich oxygen,the surface of alloy forms a melting layer which plays roles of oxygen insulation, heat insulation and burning products insulation. This is the mechanism of combustion resistance.

关键词: Ti-35V-15Cr-0.05C (wt%) nonburning titanium alloy , null


H. Zhang , Y. Y. Liu , D. S. Peng and C. K. Wang (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Central South University of Technology , Changsha 410083 , China)


Continuous thermo-mechanical processing (CTMP) of 6201 aluminum alloy was simulated on Gleeble-1500. The deformed specimens were analyzed by the observation of TEM and the measurement of hardness. It was shown that rapid solid solution and aging treatment can be effectively combined in one procedure by the strain induced during CTMP. The deformation temperature is ranging from 540* C to 300* C, the hardness increases directly before the 6th pass followed by a slight drop, the amount of precipitates increases with the holding time after deformation. Uniformly distributed and stabilized Mg2Si precipitates, as well as dislocation substructure can be observed on deformed specimens which have been subsequently held at 300℃ for 60 seconds.

关键词: 6201 aluminum alloy , null , null , null , null


马宏 , 彭晓东 , 谢卫东


利用对掺法熔铸镁合金AJ61+xY, 研究了合金中相的组成和分布及其在3.5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为. 结果表明, 添加稀土Y使AJ61镁合金的晶粒明显细化,Mg17Al12 相的数量明显减少且由连续网状变成弥散颗粒状分布,沿晶界处生成耐蚀稀土相Al2Y、Al3Y, AJ61镁合金的耐腐蚀性得到明显改善. 耐腐蚀性顺序为:AJ61+1.5%Y>AJ61+2.0%Y>AJ61+1.0%Y>AJ61+0.5%Y.

关键词: Mg-6Al-1Sr 镁合金 , yttrium , microstructure , corrosion resistance


马宏 , 彭晓东 , 谢卫东



关键词: Mg-6Al-1Sr镁合金 , , 显微组织 , 耐腐蚀

Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H_2-H_2S Mixture under 10~(-3) Pa S_2 at 600~800℃

Yan NIU , Weitao WU and Chaoliu ZENG (State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)F. Gesmundo and F. Viani (Instituto di Chimica , Facolta di Ingegneria , Un


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pct Y in H2-H2S mixtures under 10-3 Pa S2 was studied at 600~800℃ in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneflcial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus,Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition. but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12~17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe


Roles of Zr and Y in cast microstructure of M951 nickel-based superalloy

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

The influence of Zr and Y on the cast microstructure of a nickel-based superalloy was investigated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The gamma+gamma' eutectic volume in the superalloy rises notably with the increase of Zr or Y content. Meanwhile, the morphologies of primary MC carbides change from needle and platelet-like to blocky shape with increasing Zr and Y doped. The XRD results show that the primary MC carbide lattice constant increases with Zr and Y additions, and EPMA investigation shows that the platelet-like MC carbides contain primarily Nb and C, while those carbides in blocky shape have 39.2% Zr and 39.6% Nb in average,. These influences on the cast microstructure can be attributed to the atomic size effects of Zr and Y.

关键词: yttrium;zirconium;carbides;nickel based superalloys;microstructure;solidification;carbide morphology;mechanical-properties;boron;ni3al;yttrium;sulfur

Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H-2-H2S mixture under 10(-3) Pa S-2 at 600 similar to 800 degrees C


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pet Y in H-2-H2S mixtures under 10(-3) Pa S-2 was studied at 600 similar to 800 degrees C in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneficial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus, Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition, but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12 similar to 17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe.

关键词: high-temperature sulfidation;most-reactive component;ni-nb alloys;h2-h2s mixtures;behavior;600-degrees-c-800-degrees-c;oxidation


王永刚 , 何业东 , 朱日彰



关键词: 稀土 , , Fe3Al , 离子注入 , 高温氧化行为

Improving glass-forming ability of Mg-Cu-Y via substitutional alloying: Effects of Ag versus Ni

Journal of Materials Research

Based on the best bulk metallic glass (BMG) forming alloy in the Mg-Cu-Y ternary system, we introduced Ag (or Ni) to partially substitute for Cu to improve the glass-forming ability (GFA). The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we illustrate in detail a recently developed search strategy, which was proposed but only briefly outlined in our previous publication [H. Ma, L.L. Shi, J. Xu, Y. Li, and E. Ma: Discovering inch-diameter metallic glasses in three-dimensional composition space. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 181915 (2005)]. The protocol to navigate in three-dimensional composition space to land large BMGs is spelled out step-by-step using the pseudo-ternary Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y as the model system. Second, our ability to locate the best BMG former in the composition tetrahedron allows us to systematically examine, and conclude on, the effects of a given alloying element. The large improvement in glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y system relative to the based ternary will be contrasted with the reduced glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ni)-Y pseudo ternary system. It is demonstrated that the improvement of glass-forming ability requires judicious choice of substitutional alloying elements and concentrations, rather than simple additions of multiple elements assuming the "confusion principle."

关键词: bulk metallic-glass;shaped copper mold;amorphous-alloys;thermal-stability;ternary-system;casting method;p system;diameter;zr;mm

Laser surface cladding of ZM5 Mg-base alloy with Al+Y powder

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

The surface properties of ZM5 Mg-base alloy were modified by laser cladding with Al+Y powder. Laser cladding was carried out with a 5 kW continuous wave CO2 laser by melting the preplaced powder mixture of Al and Y. Following laser cladding, the cladding zone was characterized by a detailed microstructural observation and phase analysis. Moreover, the microhardness and element distribution were evaluated in detail. The surface modified layer consists of Mg-17 Al-12 and Al-4 MgY phases, while alpha-Mg and Mg-17 Al-12 in the substrate. The microhardness of the cladding zone was significantly enhanced as high as HV122 - 180 as compared to HV60 - 80 of the substrate region. The maximal hardness about HV224 is in the interface due to the formation of intermetallic Mg-17 Al-12 phase. The microstructure is refined and Mg diffuses into the cladding material which leads to the formation of Mg-17 Al-12.

关键词: laser cladding;ZM5 Mg base alloy;rare earth;Al plus Y powder;microstructure;magnesium;microstructures;behavior

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